Friday 6 July 2012

Ben Hammersley: 'Let's talk about how soon we can have that chat'

Talk about having a chat

Airplane mode is shouting at me. I've had enough. This can't go on any more. I need to turn my phone back on. There is, you see, nothing noisier than a phone that's turned off. Because you are aware, and nervous, that when you turn it back on again you'll be confronted with a backlog of messages and voicemails. We now talk about information overload and the tyranny of being always connected, devices in pockets, and false feelings of vibrations making you grab at your phone at random moments. The constant battle to not keep checking your inbox.

But perhaps it's not actually the technology that is the problem, but the social arrangements you have with the people you talk to. If by habit or design your correspondents have grown to expect you to have your phone on all the time, it can become oppressively difficult to disconnect without risking a social backlash, or even outright suspicion.

By: Ben Hammersley, Edited by: Ian Steadman

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