Tuesday, 27 November 2012

MIT smart room detects humidity, temperature and light for your comfort

The WristQue

Indoor spaces are getting smart; now they are embedded with sensors that monitor humidity, temperature and light. "The challenge is connecting to this nervous system," says Joe Paradiso, director of the Responsive Environments Group at the MIT Media Lab. His solution: WristQue, a plastic wristband that gives you remote control over your surroundings (shown above, on its charging dock). The low-power, 16-bit device has buttons to control temperature and electronics, and a slider to adjust lighting. The building stores weekly usage patterns for each room; when people enter, it adjusts heat and light based on the previous week's data. When they leave, windows are closed and air conditioning is turned off, which cut energy use by a quarter during a three-week test.

WristQue can also identify who's in the space and automate their preferred conditions. What if some like it hot and others like it cold? Easy: "We give you a happy medium," says Paradiso.

By: Sam Scott, Edited by: David Cornish

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via Wired.co.uk


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