Tuesday, 26 March 2013

BBC compliance head: 'EU data privacy reforms don't account for web TVs'


The European Commission is off-track and will stifle innovation with its data protection proposals because it's only just catching up with web 2.0, a term coined in the 90s, according to James Leaton Gray, head of information policy and compliance at the BBC. He issued this warning at the Westminster eForum seminar on eprivacy, flagging up the impracticalities of the proposed reforms, pointing out that the future of computing is in your TV -- and the proposals aren't taking this into account.

"It makes me extremely nervous," said Gray. "If you look at IPTV, you're connected to the internet and directly to thousands of TV channels across the world. The present remote control will become a search engine -- it won't be things you type into, it will be about the semantic web, accessing and exchanging data. The idea that it's confounded to computers and a computer-based world is a fallacy."

By: Liat Clark, Edited by: Ian Steadman

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via Wired.co.uk


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