Friday 10 May 2013

'Techno-scientific' experiment turns foreskin cells into artworks

A pair of bioartists have teamed up to create a 'techno-scientific' experiment -- called In Potentia -- that uses a stem cell reprogramming technique to reverse engineer foreskin cells into embryonic stem cells.

Guy Ben-Ary and Kirsten Hudson from Symbiotica artistic laboratory Symbiotica bought foreskin cells online and used a technique called "induced pluripotent stem cell technology" (IPS) to turn them into an embryonic cell-like state before transforming them into neurons. These are encased in a DIY bio-reactor with a custom-made electrophysiological recording setup that converts neural activity into an "unsettling" soundscape. Because fo the origins of the cells, they have codenamed the piece "project dickhead".

By: Olivia Solon, Edited by: Ian Steadman

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