Thursday 13 August 2015

New Free Tier Usage Monitoring – View Your Current and Forecasted Free Tier-eligible Service Usage

With the introduction of Free Tier Usage Monitoring, all Free Tier-eligible customers can now view their month-to-date and month-end forecasted usage for Free Tier-eligible services. Usage data for your top five services (i.e., services in which current usage is closest to the Free Tier usage limits) are presented on the Billing Console Dashboard, while usage data for all Free Tier-eligible services are available by clicking the “View all” link. Free Tier data includes current and forecasted usage, Free Tier limits, and a percentage of the Free Tier limit used for each service. If your current or forecasted usage exceeds the service-specific Free Tier limit, it will be shown in red and provide a link to contact customer service and/or learn more about Free Tier limits.

To get started, simply navigate to the Billing and Cost Management Dashboard to view the “Free Tier Usage” data. For details on Free Tier-eligible services and how to qualify as a Free Tier-eligible customer, please refer to the AWS Free Tier page.

from What's New from Amazon Web Services

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