Wednesday 14 November 2012

Front-seat driver: MIT's friendly car-bot 'AIDA' just wants to help

Meet your new front-seat driver, AIDA

AIDA is an intelligent dashboard companion that not only reads the road, but should soon read your mood too. "People tend to have this inherent bond with their cars," says Kenton Williams of the Personal Robots Group, who is lead researcher on the project. "If you can leverage that to create a stronger bond, then we think you can make the driving experience more enjoyable."

AIDA (the Affective Intelligent Driving Agent) is an MIT collaboration with the Personal Robots Group, the SENSEable City Lab (Wired 04.11) and the Volkswagen Group of America's Electronics Research Group. It can learn the driver's habits and needs by combining behavioural data with real-time feeds from onboard systems and the web. At first, in 2009, AIDA was a standalone unit. Since then, smartphones have become such repositories of data on their owners that it's being recreated as an Android app.

By: Jeremy Kingsley, Edited by: David Cornish

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